User Guide


There are three ways to interact with the CIFR portal: You can (1) select items, (2) search items, and (3) download items.

Selecting Items

Selecting an item in the CIFR portal is as easy as clicking on the item. If you want to select multiple items, hold down the key on Mac or the Ctrl key on PC before clicking on each item.

To clear previously selected items, click the Select None button.

Searching Items

You can search for a specific item in the CIFR portal by entering any portion of the text for that item in the search bar. For example, entering the text comfy blanket will return the item “There is something sinister about a comfy blanket.”

Each CIFR item is also associated with a number of hidden tags (e.g., politics; romantic relationships; dietary habits). You can search for a specific category of item by entering the tag for that item in the search bar. As an example, entering the text personality will return items associated with the personality tag (e.g., “A brave person is rarely a courageous person”).

You can also search for items that match multiple tags by entering two or more tags into the search bar separated by a space. For instance, entering beverage law will return the item “Everyone over the age of eighteen should be forced to drink coffee with breakfast”, as it is associated with both the tag beverage and the tag law.

Likewise, you can search for items that match either of two tags by entering the two tags into the search bar separated by a vertical bar and enclosed in parentheses. Entering (weather|geography) will, for example, return items tagged with weather (e.g., “When it rains, I sometimes wish I had an umbrella”) and items tagged with geography (e.g., “Mexico is our Northern neighbor”).

Downloading Items

To download selected items, click the Download button. The items will be downloaded as a .csv file. Depending on your browser, you may have to allow downloads for this website.

Last updated: June 4th, 2023, at 10:07 AM PDT.